The top email ideas for People Who Don’t Like to Write

Sometimes a writer indeed faces difficulty in writing. Maybe, there is not sufficient research material, or they feel lazy to write. In fact, email marketing for small businesses is not easy because it is possible that they do not have the required money to hire content creators. What to do in these situations?

Do not worry, because MailPod presents some interesting ideas to create engaging emails without investing plenty of time in writing. 

Info-graphics, Videos, and GIFs

Visuals indeed help that visuals increase engagements. For example:

  • Posts with images on Facebook get 2.3 times more engagement as compared to the posts without images.
  • Visual garners result in 150% more retweets than tweets without visual garners.

If you want to keep your subscribers concentration intact, then use images. Visual Content attracts more attraction than the text content. You can use images to tell about your offer or purpose. Make sure to use relevant images because a non descriptive image is like a “Holes filled with Mud in Rain”. An image should be 

  • Visually compelling
  • Optimized
  • Have Responsive Design

When you use an image that is out of the topic, it can lead to aggression in subscribers and they can mark you spam or even block you. So, use relevant info-graphics.

Use info-graphics instead of long paragraphs

The information can also be represented with the help of videos as shown below:

GIFs are the best way to engage your subscribers. With the help of GIFs, you can greet the subscriber in interesting form without using texts like 

“Hello, user,

Our team wishes you Happy Holi”

Instead, you can send them relevant GIFs to make your Email more engaging.

Related: MailPod Holiday GIFs

Check: MailPod Summer GIFs

Also, Check: MailPod Fall GIFs


Most people prefer to read short and to-the-point information. But do you know, what’s more, popular than that? Quotes! People love reading quotes. Most of the people prefer quotes over lengthy newsletters. Why? Because they have less time and want to make the best out of it. So, instead of investing time in creating lengthy content, you can create short quotes to inspire the subscribers. 

Tutorial or Webinar Links


The best way to learn about your audience is to conduct surveys. In fact, surveys are very popular among the top email marketers. To know about changed taste and preference of the subscribers and to cope up with the latest trends, surveys help the email marketer or the businesses by providing the required information in time. Conducting regular surveys can lead to increased engagement, declined unsubscriptions, and improved sales which are beneficial for your email marketing campaign.

Include surveys and know about the subscribers with lesser efforts

Include the following points to save efforts in finding ideas:

  • Keep the survey short.
  • Ask MCQs instead of detailed questions.
  • In the email, mention the time to complete the survey.
  • The advisable time frame is 1 to 5 minutes. 

Industry Updates

It’s true that knowledge is the ultimate source to build trust. Aware your subscribers about the things they are unaware of. This way, you add to their knowledge plus create a sense of reliability in their mind. For example, if you are targeting beginners email marketers, then you can send free E-Guide explaining the initial steps required in email marketing. 

You can tell what’s new or what are your past trends. Tell them more about you so that subscribers will start trusting you. And for sure you know your business better more than anyone else, right? So, what are you waiting for? Start writing on the topic that you know the best i.e. your business. It is a win-win situation because you get to write on interesting topics and subscribers are getting the information they need to trust you.

Personalized Emails

Do you know that Personalised Emails get 30 percent more unique open rates and 40 percent higher click-through rates. You can create dynamic content based on the subscriber’s information you have. Grammarly is the best example to depict how to use personalized data to create dynamic content. You can segment your target audience and create content according to that. It will create more trust between you and the subscriber. An engaging customer is a happy customer so, create your dynamic content wisely. 

Create Personalized Emails

You have your subscriber’s information so, creating personalized content should not be a hectic task. So roll up the sleeves and start writing.

We hope, this article helped you to write creatively without putting so much mind into it. But, if you want to know more, you can subscribe MailPod for the best email marketing services. We know that email marketing for small businesses is never been easy. So, do not hesitate and contact us for your email marketing needs. We will launch many related articles on How you can make a success out of effective email marketing, till then keep tuned and subscribe to Mailpod for guidance and management.