How to Create and Deliver Engaging Newsletter Content – MailPod Email Marketing Tips

Wondering about how to engage subscribers with effective email marketing? The right answer for you is to create and deliver newsletters through emails. It is the best way to monetize email marketing, and your creativity decides how much money you can make through it. Reports showed that an average person invests around 13 hours of his weekly work-life in emails, which is both good and bad for an email marketer. By creating irresistible newsletters, you can grab your subscriber’s attention, but make sure you have to be really creative as your subscribers may have plenty of other emails to open.

How to create the best email newsletters?

You have to add much more apart from interesting design, engaging images, or a clear call-to-actions because your subscriber may have received an average of 121 emails per day. With this increased competition, you have to be more creative while crafting newsletters. MailPod suggests a few points to keep in mind while creating an engaging newsletter and provide email newsletter service for your help.

Make Your Newsletter interesting

1. Give them knowledge

It’s true that knowledge is the ultimate source to build trust. Aware your subscribers about the things they are unaware of. This way, you add to their knowledge plus create a sense of reliability in their mind. For example, if you are targeting beginners email marketers, then you can send free E-Guide explaining the initial steps required in email marketing. 

2. Get feedback

Sending newsletters is not just one-way communication. You have to cater to their feedback and suggestions. Most email marketers send personalized emails, asking for subscriber’s opinions and preferences on specific subjects, and draft a newsletter based on that. You do not want to sell something, which is not required. So, do a complete study of your subscriber and send newsletters on the basis of your analysis report. It will lead to a more open rate and click-through rates of your newsletters.

3. Optimized Design

Your newsletter design should be responsive so that it’ll not cause any problem for subscribers to read them. Even your content is up to the mark, it can not lead to conversions until it is readable. Optimize your newsletter design to increase the open rate. It is acceptable if the newsletter’s content is short, but it’s not acceptable if it’s hard to read due to bad design. So, invest appropriate time in finding and drafting a better newsletter design.

Use bullets and headings to optimize your newsletter

4. Segment your audience

Some email marketers do not know the importance of segmentation. Believe me, your conversions will magically increase if you segment your target audience properly. Creating a newsletter with your target audience in mind is much easier than shooting without aim. With the segmentation, you remain aware of their taste and preference, their age, or their demographics. All that information helps you to create a better and relevant newsletter and improve the chances of making your subscribers happy.  

5. Go General to Specific

It is possible to grab more attention when addressing an individual than a community. Everyone likes to be recognized so, why not use this fantastic personalization technique to make your newsletter campaign effective. Avoid making a general newsletter but create individual specific newsletters with their names. It will establish a human touch and make them feel valued.  

As we learned about how to create an interesting newsletter, it’s time to learn how to structure them properly. 

Use scannable text technique: 

Once you create the newsletter’s content, you have to make it presentable. Do not type in full paragraphs but mention the information in bullets or numbers. Bold your important lines and put clear call-to-action. Sometimes, email marketers don’t know how to make the email presentable, and their efforts on creating quality content go to waste.

  • Use bullets or numbers to explain steps.
  • Be concise and include the link to your landing page, if any. 
  • Include links to reports if mentioned to facilitate authenticity.
  • Include clear Call-to-actions with the help of buttons.

Design v/s Content

Well, it’s not something to debate about because both matters. One is useless without another.

No matter how much quality content you create, it’ll be a waste if the reader can’t read it due to poor design.

Similarly, if your design is interesting, but your content is not useful, then readers will leave in a few seconds. 

Your quality of content depends on your research, creativity, and writing skills. It’s all about how much effort you put in and what is the degree of your product’s value. However, MailPod can provide a few tips to make your design and layout irresistible.

  • Use relevant templates.
  • Create or find the best image.
  • Use Alt text to describe images.
  • Maintain an optimum image to text ratio.
  • Pick the best Color Contrast and more white space.
  • Write attractive and relevant headlines.

We hope that it’s clear to you now about what points to be taken care of while creating and sending newsletters to subscribers. We will launch many related articles on How you can make a success out of effective email marketing, till then keep tuned and subscribe to Mailpod for the email newsletter service, guidance and management.

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