Edgerank decides whether your post will be visible to people, or you’ll remain unhighlighted. Facebook news feed design helps your post to get seen by people based on your edge rank. We are providing so much of the importance of EdgeRanks, so let us start learning what edge rank is how it works?
The working of EdgeRank
It’s only EdgeRanks who decides which post is going to grab the first position in the newsfeed and which post will remain buried. It works to make people’s feed more interesting. This will show or hide content based on people’s activities. To get more traffic boost email marketing with your social media campaign. To get ahead with email marketing, avail of MailPod’s 30-Day Free Email Marketing Trial.
What will get down and what will highlight totally depends on how your followers interact with your posts. People who like and comment on your post will see your post on the first basis whenever posted as compared to the people who don’t interact with your post at all.

Learn How Story Bumping makes your post more visible
Whether your content is relevant to the targeted audience or to show the post in news feed depends on 3 crucial factors:
- Affinity
- Time Decay
- Weight
Let us look at them one by one to know the secret to become visible to the audience.
Facebook determines the affinity by observing your way of interacting with a friend or page. For example, it will observe the like, comment, and share activities for a particular page. People’s connection with a certain post determines the affinity score.
Time Decay:
Facebook doesn’t let old news highlighted in the news feed. It is required that your post must be fresh and exciting to the people. The relevancy of a post drives the time decay factor.
Your post’s weight depends on the popularity of your post. For example, the more likes, comments, and shares on your post will provide more weight to the post.
You can visit EdgeRank.net for more detailed knowledge of affinity, time decay, and weight factors.
It is difficult to find a perfect blend of the above mentioned three factors to get more visibility, but with MailPod, you will find this very easy.
Facebook EdgeRank Update
Worrying about your post will be buried before it gets noticed? Need not worry because Facebook introduced “Story Bumping”. It highlights your old posts in people’s news feed. This will happen when your post is getting likes and comments even after several hours. Facebook will bump your page’s story or post to the top’s follower’s feed.
The Importance of Update:
According to a study, people will scroll only 58% of the news feed. Therefore, Facebook bumps back the remaining 42% in the people’s feed when they reopen Facebook.
How Story Bumping benefits your page
The more people you can get to comment on your page, the more your post will appear in people’s feed. Here are the few ideas to take advantage of story bumping.
- Ask your friends to like, share, and comment on the posts. Request them to talk about your page and send invitations to their friends.
- Make it a bit comic – People like funny stuff, so keep your post’s content lighthearted. You can use funny images and captions to drive more traffic.
- Post trending stuff. Keep posting about the content that is fresh and relevant to your genre. People like trending and new information. So, chances of getting likes, shares, and comments increase with the trending stuff.

Use these tactics and let us know how Story Bumping helped you in the social media marketing campaign. With MailPod, learn how building social media marketing and email marketing can boost your business to heights.
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You can promote your business with advanced features of Facebook with minimal investment. The use of Facebook is indeed decreasing, but it still holds tremendous importance in your social media marketing. Do not ignore this platform, in fact, optimize it. If you want to create an engaging Facebook post today, then start now with our 30-Day Free Email Marketing Trial and get our expert advice. We will launch many related articles on How you can make a success with effective email marketing, till then keep tuned and subscribe to Mailpod for the best assistance and management.